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Savoy Furniture - 2024

Place Your Orders Soon to Ensure Timely Deliveries!

May 8, 2018
Place Your Orders Soon to Ensure Timely Deliveries!

Your Students Won’t Be Gone Long.

Finals. Freshly planted flowers. Graduation robes. Your campus is about to feel deserted as the hustle and bustle of daily college life goes on break until the beginning of the fall semester.
For a moment, you’ll be able to let out that long-held sigh of relief. But let’s not forget just how quickly all the chatter and laughter returns! Before you know it, your RAs will be back on campus for training, bright-eyed freshmen will be arriving to take on the world, and the chaos will all start once more!
Now is the perfect time to finalize your furniture orders for the upcoming semester to ensure a delivery well in advance of your students’ arrival. Expecting a larger than normal freshman class? Need to convert a couple double rooms to triples? Want to give that lounge a fresh facelift? Don’t’ wait – your students will be back before you know it!
Let us help work through your upcoming furniture needs so you can rest easier this summer. We’re ready to help manage your projects from start to finish so you can focus on what’s really important: your students. Don’t wait – contact us today!